Rust Peony Plant Supports

Rusted Peony Supports

Rusted Peony Supports

These rusty peony herbaceous plant supports are design to rust evenly and quickly naturally over time, blending naturally in with the garden border. We supply two types of rusted peony supports, 5 leg Heavy duty and the 3 leg peony. These metal peony plant supports are designed in a trumpet shape to protect plants such as Delphiniums and many other peonies from wind, heavy rain and prevent flopping under their own weight. These peonies are manufactured here in Yorkshire from solid steel rod with strong welding to produce a quality long lasting product. These peony rings are quick and simple to use, simply push over the plant to a depth of 10cm or until firm depending on the height of the plant and the type of soil. Please note: When supplied steel may not have start to rust, but after a few days outside in the garden will start to develop an even rust look.

Heavy Duty 72cm Natural Rusty Peony Support - 5 Leg.

Heavy Duty 72cm Natural Rusty Peony Support - 5 Leg.

These rusty peony supports are designed and manufactured here in Yorkshire from heavy duty steel rod with strong welding. These peony support rings are heavy duty 5 legged offers maximum protection against damage from the wind and heavy rain and prevent the herbaceous plant flopping under its own weight. These metal plant supports rusted are easy to use, simply place over plant and push into ground. Will rust naturally very quickly in the borders and give a natural vintage old look to the garden.
Size: 72cm height x 50cm diameter
£27.99  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Heavy Duty 54cm Natural Rusty Peony Support - 5 Leg.

Heavy Duty 54cm Natural Rusty Peony Support - 5 Leg.

These peony rings cages are designed and manufactured here in Yorkshire from heavy duty steel rod with strong welding. This peony rose support frame are heavy duty 5 legged offers maximum protection against damage from the wind and heavy rain and prevent the herbaceous plant flopping under its own weight. Easy to use, simply place over plant and push into ground. Will rust naturally very quickly in the borders and give a natural vintage old look to the garden.
Size: 54cm height x 40cm diameter
£24.99  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Set of 2 x Natural Rusted Peony Cage Supports 82cm - 3 Legs

Set of 2 x Natural Rusted Peony Cage Supports 82cm - 3 Legs

These rusted iron 3 leg peony cage supports are ideal for supporting peony plants when in heavy flower from collapsing under their own weight. These peony rings will prevent peony plants from falling over and damage plant shoots. To get the maximum support for peony plants in the herbaceous borders is to place the support over the plant before the stems grow too tall. These peony ring cages are manufactured from solid steel rod with finial balls for both décor and safety and made as a one piece sturdy construction to offer years of use, simple place over the peony shrub and push into the ground until firm, when the peony plant grow you can help guide the plant stems through the support.
Size: 82cm high x 52cm diameter.
£34.99  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Set of 2 x Natural Rusted Peony Cage Supports 64cm - 3 Legs

Set of 2 x Natural Rusted Peony Cage Supports 64cm - 3 Legs

These rusted iron 3 leg peony flower support cages are ideal for supporting peony plants when in heavy flower from collapsing under their own weight. These peony support frames will prevent peony plants from falling over and damage plant shoots. To get the maximum support for peony rose plants in the herbaceous borders is to place the support over the plant before the stems grow too tall. These plant supports are manufactured from solid steel rod with finial balls for both décor and safety and made as a one piece sturdy construction to offer years of use, simple place over the peony shrub and push into the ground until firm, when the peony plant grow you can help guide the plant stems through the support.
Size: 64cm high x 42cm diameter.
£31.99  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Rusty Peony Herbaceous Plant Support Ring Cone Small

Rusty Peony Herbaceous Plant Support Ring Cone Small

This heavy duty ring cone plant support peny is ideal for use to support and protect plants and shrubs from damage from windy and rainy day. Can be used in garden borders and large planters. Manufactured from heavy duty untreated steel whish will rust over time, offers a natural cottage garden feel to the garden.
Size: 45cm high x 30cm diameter
£15.99  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Rusty Peony Herbaceous Plant Support Ring Cone Large

Rusty Peony Herbaceous Plant Support Ring Cone Large

This large heavy duty 3 ring cone plant support peny is ideal for use to support and protect plants and shrubs from damage from windy and rainy day. Can be used in garden borders and large planters. Manufactured from heavy duty untreated steel whish will rust over time, offers a natural cottage garden feel to the garden.
Size: 51cm high x 40cm diameter
£19.99  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Black Powder Coated Peony Supports

Black Powder Coated Peony Supports

We also sell black powder steel peony supports

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Rusted Garden Metal Obelisks

Rusted Garden Metal Obelisks

We also sell Rusted Garden Obelisks.

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